held in silence are your many names
a photo essay led by beings from afar
a film is a phonetic loan revered in the ways of its phenols
The flow of currency that has existed between wind – 风 and phoenix – 凤 in Chinese language offers clarity for the intimacy between a host of beings', namely sound, feeling, kinship, and language. The phoenix's arrival gives kindred form to the relational embodiment that lies in the experience

thinking with access and its spaciousness
content warning: mentioning of crime, of domestic and sexual violence, and of being denied access support This month, I'd like to take a break from the comparative spaces in thinking about Tibetan language framework and moving image, and process some thoughts and actions on creating access. For the

白质黑章 | trace noire, fond blanc
Wooden Horse as told and translated by تۇرسۇن مامۇت Tursun Mamut and مۇكەررەم تۇردى Mukarrm Turdi, re-written by Shen Xin Compiled for the occasion of Habiter le flux – Leap Magazine's 2024 French Edition's on paper commission: 白质黑章 | trace noire, fond blanc ياغاچ ئات0:00/471.7245711×

performing the agency of intent
an exploration of verbs in Tibetan language, and of volition and agents in grounding moving image practice
object of knowledge, cinema, self/other in Tibetan grammar
I’d like to dedicate this piece to the kestrel who visited us on a July morning. This is also the second piece in the restraint as kin and constraint as embassy series.

on (Tibetan) language, the flourishing that has to do with fire
a photo essay led by the meeting place of air-filled words and lived grounds

restraint as kin and constraint as embassy #1
Anchored in place, but not any place, I see through the foxgloves (lus nam ban-sìth, plants of the fairies) the past embodied in traces, of what has been felled and what was burnt, and because we are both full / of durational relations, our existence escapes description.